The things that J.D. was afraid of the first time it all became second nature to him now (at this point he starts to play his music player) Dr. Kelso walks in and tells him to do some work if he can listen to music. every thing was doing the same as always like for instance he told the janitor how it was going and the janitor told J.D. that he was a 35 year old janitor and told him to come to his humble house and point out the things that are cheap. Then when Elliot was at the house she hated the dead dog that they had and said that it was creepy and it was bothering Turk, that is when she got the whole idea of Carla and told Dr. Kelso that it was her fault by not doing what she was supposed to do. That is where the part when she puts her foot in her mouth and said that at least she wasn't going door to door like a crazed Jehovah's witness and that is when Turk told her that his mother is a Jehovah's witness.
They go to the hospital and J.D. got a patient that he likes so far and he was being tested for cancer and Dr. Cox was wondering what kind of tests that J.D. took, he also asked how much the guy smoked and the guy was messing with him and saying half a pack and then he'll say eleven packs and things like that until he got scared of Dr. Cox and said two or three packs and what I think was funny is when Dr. Cox wanted to know what tests That J.D. did and I know I have already said this part before is that Dr. Cox goes "well lets hear it " and J.D. said he did not smoke and said no packs and Dr. Cox rolls his neck while it cracks like and attempt to not burst in anger and Carla said to J.D. that he wanted to know what you have do for testing.
Now you would see that J.D., Turk, and The Tod are in the cafeteria and J.D. asks how was surgery and The Tod goes it rocks but by bed is really where I operate. This is where you see that Turk actually likes Carla but when he didn't say that he did The Tod said that he should show that little biscuit some love and J.D. had a fantasy of Turk snapping Tod neck. J.D. and Turk are walking down a hallway of the hospital and Turk told J.D. that he was going to ask Carla out and J.D. said to Turk that he thinks that the janitor is out to get him.
Right now you can see on how Carla and Elliot get along and since Carla is basically friends with all the other nurses and when Elliot wanted a chart and the nurses just looked at her and Lavern goes we all need things and Elliot decides to tell Dr. Kelso about how to act around the nurses and Dr. Kelso said that he didn't care if they all killed each other but just leave him out of it.
One of the things that I taught that was funny was that when J.D told Dr. Cox that he got Wills (the patient that he likes) that he has no signs of cancer and he had the idea of know what Dr. cox means and when J.D. touched him and Dr. Cox said don't ever touch him and J.D. said that it meant do ever touch him. After that he have Elliot to apologise that she told Dr. Kelso that it was Carla's fault for not doing something and it was going all good until Elliot said that it was actually your fault and that kind of messed up the apology.
Later Turk and Tod went to the nurses station for Turk to ask Carla out and Tod left right when they got there and Turk goes that she is going to have an opportunity for a life time and what I think was funny was that she said that he is so sexy that her knees are weak and Turk goes...really?
J.D went over to Dr. Cox's house and wanted to know that Will slowly killing himself hurts him as well and we wanted to know what he thought about that and Dr. Cox slammed the door on his knee and had to go inside his house, and told J.D. is he going to stop by his house again or is he just going to have to move. They talked about things that had to do with people dying from things like smokers drinkers fatties or whatever the point is, is that if you go out of you way to know if someone changes that he won't make it as a doctor.
Turk goes to see Carla again to tell her to give Elliot a break and tell her that she can be immature but to remember how it was when she first started and then told her that her ass look extra fine today. After all of that she told him to pick her up that day for a date and Turk goes that she isn't the only one that can do speeches and that he can do some speeches under his voice.
J.D. was taking Will out of the hospital and Will wanted to know if J.D. had anything else to say even though that he knows everything and he left lighting up a smoke and I think that the point of the whole thing is that there are so many things that people that you care for will die from something simple like heart disease, liver disease, somebody choking some one, maybe stress. J.D. goes back to the hospital and Dr. Cox goes did you tell him any thing else and J.D. goes nope
"but you wanted to"
"but you said"
"wow J.D. will you be a man, if you don't stand by you comitions you won't make it as a doctor"
what I thought was funny was that J.D.'s head explodes Dr. Cox goes I can't believe you head exploded, if your head explodes you won't make it as a doctor. which was hilarious.